Does Communication Really Matter?

Communication plays a fundamental role in all facets of business. It is therefore very important that both internal communication within your organization as well as the communication skills of your employees are effective. Effective Communication is important for the development of an organization. It is something which helps the managers to perform the basic functions of management- Planning, Organizing, Motivating and Controlling. Communication skills whether written or oral form the basis of any business activity. Thus, it can be said that effective communication is the building block of an organization.

Effective communication is a basic prerequisite for the attainment of organizational goals. No organization, no group can exist without communication. Co-ordination of work is impossible and the organization will collapse for lack of communication. Co-operation also becomes impossible because people cannot communicate their needs and feelings to others. If open communication within a workplace is encouraged, a more cohesive and effective team will emerge. Good communication within a team also tends to boost employee morale. When employees feel that they are well informed of the company’s direction and vision, they will feel more secure within their role. Regular internal communication can also lead to an improved work ethic if staff are reminded of achievements and feel that they are working towards a common goal.

It is through effective communication that an executive ultimately gets work done by others. When managers are effective communicators, they are more able to inform staff adequately of their responsibilities and what is expected from them. Good communication skills also helps managers to provide constructive feedback to their staff, build better relationships, and understand personal goals that staff may wish to work towards. Therefore, a successful executive must know the art of communication. Moreover, communication is a means whereby the employee can be properly motivated to execute company plans enthusiastically. It is the means by which behavior is modified, change is effected and goals are achieved. The first executive function is to develop and maintain a system of effective communication-the tool for understanding. It is commonly said that what nerves are to human organism, communications are to an industrial system.

A lack of communication can lead to the collapse of any organization. Whilst that is a bold statement – without proper marketing collateral and communication internally and externally, most organizations will struggle to survive. Communication can also lead to productivity and helps to avoid unnecessary delays in the implementation of policies. Communication is not confined solely to employees. Management must communicate with its customers, owners, the community as well as its prospective and present employees. But our discussion is restricted to interpersonal communication and the organizational communication process. When regularly communicating both internally and externally, organizations remain more transparent. This is important in building trust in your brand, in your services and also internally when it comes to the trust that employees have in higher management.

It is particularly important for a customer service organization to develop good communication channels and processes with all of its stakeholders and especially with its customers and employees. The Inland Revenue operates in a fast-changing world and its culture is changing to become more customer-focused. It has assumed responsibility for new areas of work, and has developed sophisticated modern internal and external systems to enhance multi-channel communications. It is vital that responsive, informed employees identify and meet their customers’ requirements as quickly as possible. To meet this challenge, the Inland Revenue has embraced a range of communication methods that take full advantage of modern technology.

NB: This article is sourced from LinkedIn.

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