If you’re thinking about starting up a small business or you’ve just recently launched, fantastic customer service is undoubtedly on your radar. You want your customers to come away from an experience with your company having seen you in the best possible light. In an optimal situation, the majority of them would not only become […]
How to spend your startup funds is the most important decision a business faces at this crucial stage. That being said, fiscal responsibility isn’t something great leaders are born with—it’s often learned through trial and error. Looking for some shortcuts in the capital spending learning curve? We’ve compiled five do’s and don’ts that every business […]
If you’re thinking about starting up a small business or you’ve just recently launched, fantastic customer service is undoubtedly on your radar. You want your customers to come away from an experience with your company having seen you in the best possible light. In an optimal situation, the majority of them would not only become […]
Startups looking for angel investors or venture capital (VC) absolutely need an exit strategy because investors require it. The exit is what gives them a return. Exit strategies related to startup funding are quite often misunderstood: The “exit” in exit strategy is for the money, not the startup founders or small business owners. The company […]
Dating an entrepreneur is a task not everybody can handle. You have to put up with their weird habits and lack of routine. But if you are someone who likes things different then you will find a relationship with and entrepreneur exciting. Here are 10 reasons that will make you want to date an entrepreneur. […]
Entrepreneurs are their own breed of boyfriend/girlfriend. Dating someone on the precipice of professional life or death is both fantastically enlightening and a huge pain in the ass. As the great and mighty Elon Musk says, “Starting a company is like eating glass and staring into the abyss.” Kind of sexy, no? There are a few quirks inherent in the […]
As part of a startup business, you’ll know that there is no greater desire to win your first customer or your tenth customer. You’ll do whatever it takes to call a customer your own. That quest will become so all-consuming, you’ll practically fantasize about it. Entrepreneurs compare that feeling to owning their first pet. It’s […]
When it comes to starting a business, you’ll need a driving force behind you—something more than money. Whether that is a desire to make some small corner of the world a better place, or the feeling that you could be the one to perfect a certain product, you’ll need to hone in on that deeper […]
When you’re starting a business, it can seem like there are a million and one things to think about. Top of mind for most entrepreneurs? How to finance their business. A business loan can be a great source of capital, but it can be difficult to navigate the myriad of loan options available to business […]
There is a difference between having a job and having a business. In either case, you are going to be working hard to accomplish your tasks. The key difference is that, when running your own business, you control the product that you work on, and thus the work that you are doing. For a lot […]