A business plan is vital to the success of every business. About 70% of business companies, failure is the reality, and the main cause is a lack of planning. Whether it is insufficient market research, financial planning, management, lack of social media presence, website or something else, these mistakes all boil down to a lack […]
It started with identifying a specific situation. Probably, you realized the neighborhood could do with a regulated janitorial service. Better still, you discovered your love for photography and decided to explore the commercial aspects to it. Either way, you determined there was a significant need for the service or product you were looking to provide. […]
Korsell Corporate Consult has a commitment of ensuring businesses survive, even in the face of differing circumstances. We understand the challenge that arises with raising funds, due to the incensed disposition the economy hurls at startups and entrepreneurs. Nevertheless, KCC offers a scope and medium to reconcile these challenges with the prospects that are available, […]