How to Beat Those Awful Monday Blues If you wake up on Monday morning with a groan and struggle to get on with the workday, you may have a case of the Monday blues. There’s no wondering why we hate Mondays — it always seems to sneak up on us, just as we’re starting to […]
Traction Is What Investors Are Looking for When You Present Your Plan The first mistake we make when we pitch our “great idea” to stakeholders is that we lead with our solution. We spend a disproportionate amount of time talking about the uniqueness of our product’s features or its underlying technology breakthroughs. We can’t help […]
1. Collateral Banks do lend money to startups. One exception is your business has to have hard assets it can pledge to back up a business loan. Banks look very carefully at these assets to make sure they reduce the risk. For example, when you pledge Accounts Receivable to support a commercial loan, the bank […]
Whether you’re just starting out, growing your business or seeking outside help, a well-thought-out business plan is the vehicle you need to get you there. Why do you want a business plan? You already know the obvious reasons, but there are so many other good reasons to create a business plan that many business owners […]
There’s a lot of talk about creating cultures of creativity—especially within the creative industry — and I agree wholeheartedly that such cultures are vital. What I think too many people overlook; however, is creativity’s important driver: curiosity. To a large extent, curiosity underlies every act of creativity, but I think it also extends beyond it. When we open ourselves […]