HOW DO I BALANCE RISKS WITH REWARDS? Risks and rewards are difficult to assess with any accuracy, and investing in any asset involves a degree of risk. But because there are so many different savings and investment products around, with a little research, you’re bound to find a product, with a risk level you feel […]
HOW DO I INVEST FOR GROWTH? The aim of the growth fund is for the value of the shares it holds to increase over time. Investing in this way for five years or more could help you achieve long-term goals such as buying a second home, paying a daughter’s wedding, or funding a university education. […]
HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT INVESTMENT STRATEGY Before you invest, you need to consider your circumstances and how these may change. If you tie up money in an investment now, will you need to have access to it in the next few years? Are you planning any major expenses – like having children, moving to […]
EQUITIES, SHARES… Shares, also known as equities, are the preferred ‘real’ asset for many investors. Buying shares in a company provides you with a portion of the company’s value and a stake in its profits, which are distributed yearly or half-yearly to shareholders as dividends. Broadly speaking, the value of a company should keep pace […]
REAL ASSETS So-called ‘real’ assets, such as shares and property, are those which, judging by past history, are likely to give a ‘real’ return: the value of your original investment is likely to grow in line with, or above, the rate of inflation. Investing in a real asset gives you a stake in a business […]
SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT PLANNING – A QUICK TOUR Before getting down to any serious financial planning, it is useful to have a working knowledge of the main types of assets in which you can save or invest. There are many different types of assets, each with its own particular combination of benefits and drawbacks, but […]
WHY INVEST? We all have goals that we want to achieve in life. Unfortunately, many of them come with a large and heavy price tag. On its own, the interest that you earn on your savings account is not usually enough to meet the cost of these long-term plans. Your cherished ambitions are likely to […]
SAVINGS: Expect the Unexpected We can all expect rainy days to come along in life, even though we don’t know when. Putting some money aside for unforeseen expenses or changes in circumstances is a sensible precaution. Whether the ’emergency’ is minor, such as needing new parts for your car, or major, such as having an […]
It’s fairly obvious that safety and health hazards can exist on worksites filled with heavy machinery and equipment, where employees often are required to engage in strenuous manual labor. A job where most of the work tasks are completed while sitting in a chair in a climate-controlled office building would seem less fraught with danger. […]
If you’re thinking about starting up a small business or you’ve just recently launched, fantastic customer service is undoubtedly on your radar. You want your customers to come away from an experience with your company having seen you in the best possible light. In an optimal situation, the majority of them would not only become […]