The purpose of business consultants and the need for every business to have a business consultant.

Every business needs a business consultant;Businesses in all industries can benefit from working alongside a business consultant. Many new companies understand the importance of hiring a consultant right from the start. Consultants can help new businesses set up their accounting, develop business processes and hire talented staff. Established businesses can also gain many advantages from […]


Ghana is one of the countries with the fastest growing economy in Africa. Now you may want to know the potentials and fundamentals of doing business in Ghana. With a strong mineral resources sector, cocoa industry, consistent government policy, recent oil discoveries, friendly business environment and a free trade zone for foreign companies; Ghana is […]


To run a business effectively and efficiently requires a lot of upfront effort. Efficiency demands processes, protocol, and forethought in every aspect of your business. This endeavor trolls through strategy, operations, marketing, your finances, and especially sales.  Here are some effective sales strategies and tips to help your business; Know Your Business; Not just your […]


What Diversification Is It is rare to find rational investors concentrating their entire wealth in a single security or investment.  Instead, they  tend  to invest  in  a diversified  portfolio  of securities.  The reason  is  that pooling  imperfectly correlated stocks  together helps to diversify away diversifiable (unique or non-systematic) risks. It has been found that risk of a portfolio is less than […]

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