Teamwork is all about different parts working together to benefit the whole. Everyone is different and has their own talents, ideas, strengths, and weaknesses. When the parts are used properly, a team can be more capable, more efficient, and overall more successful than someone working alone. Working in a company is just like playing a […]
As you continue on the path to financial independence, you have two main ways to accelerate your progress. You can either reduce your expenses or increase your income. A side hustle is any job taken aside one’s full time job. It is that job that earns you some income other than your regular 9-5 job. […]
According to a study, people with no goals are less likely to succeed and this springs to businesses as well. If you want to make your business the best it can be, you must set goals in order to achieve the highest feat of your company in order to yield good results. Setting goals is […]
Making a difficult customer happy can be one of the most challenging aspect of customer care even for the most patient and level-headed employee. However it is important to handle that situation effectively as part of achieving excellent customer service for your company. Turning a negative situation to a positive one will help customers to […]
Workplace conflict is inevitable as the team is made up of people from all walks of life. Conflict is not a strange thing for people. Human beings experience it in their day-to-day lives – with their friends, families, and more so their professional lives. In the workplace, conflict causes a massive degree of frustration, pain, […]
Being the leader of a company is a big responsibility to shoulder. However, being a leader is not enough. It is also about hitting an important corporate goal: employee retention and for the people who work for you, it’s about having another reason to achieve greatness at work and not just for the company, but […]
One of the most overlooked aspect of business growth is Public Relations (PR). There is a school of thought that suggests that PR is only needed by big firms that are globally recognized. Another school of thought suggest that most big companies do not need PR because they are already making their profit and reaching […]
Employee motivation is the level of commitment, energy and innovation that a company’s staff hold during the working day. Employee motivation is what drives people to work harder. It is important that businesses find a way to motivate their employees to ensure high level of productivity. Without it, companies experience reduced productivity, lower levels of […]
The start of a business can be an exciting yet challenging one. However, the success of your business is what rewards all the effort you have put in the establishment of your business. Here are four great tips to growing a successful business. 1.Hire the right people. The growth of your business largely depends on […]
In the early days of digital, the IT person was the one who installed software and hardware and managed to keep everyone one online. Now, almost everyone pretty much knows how to go online and use it for their personal benefits. According to research, 4.66 billion people which is over half of the world’s population […]