There are many strategies for generating profit and wealth in every industry. Your ability as an entrepreneur to create a profitable business where no business existed before is the key to your success. Entrepreneur need to change their practices to focus more on profit. What are the fastest ways to increase profits? Change Operating Procedures; […]
A business plan is a very important business tool to have as an entrepreneur. Not only does it provide a clear path towards actualizing a business idea, it improves your chances of success and can communicate your idea to investors. Business plan mistakes can result in anything from small setbacks to fatal errors for your […]
One of the most significant developments in West Africa over the last three decades has been the formation of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in 1975. The main objective of ECOWAS was to create an economic and monetary union for promoting economic growth and development in the West African sub-region. These included, the […]
At a time when trade is facing incredible headwinds and questions are being raised about the utility of regional integration processes, the Establishment of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), is a welcome positive spot. By seeking to deepen economic integration of the African continent by creating a single continental market with free movement […]
When you consider some of the most popular reasons to start a business, including having a unique business idea, designing a career that has the flexibility to grow with you, working toward financial independence, and investing in yourself. But not every small business is positioned for success. In fact, only about two-thirds of businesses with […]
Preferably, every business’s success would be so simple that anyone could run it – even an untalented person. Unfortunately, though, many businesses cannot withstand the leadership of an unqualified or untalented person, and, if a business is lucky enough to achieve longevity, odds are that someone unqualified or untalented will run it eventually. But, how […]
Establishing a creative environment at work place takes more than just turning your employees loose and giving them free reign in the hope they will hit on something valuable. As with any other system, the process of creativity requires the proper framework to operate effectively, which also enables management to evaluate the profitability of the […]
Starting and running a business can be extremely challenging. From marketing strategy to financial challenges to time demands, few things about running a business are easy. For some people, this doesn’t matter. For some, the thrill of launching and successfully running a business beats out all the demands that come with the journey. Some people […]
Business owners are often overloaded with tons of activities revolving around their business, and they have very little time left for managing cash flows or scratching their heads on company’s finances. On the other hand, mismanaging your company’s funds might lead to total failure of your business. Even though you have the brightest of ideas […]
Once a company is up and running, it tends to stay in operation until some occurrence prevents it from continuing, businesses don’t stop working for no reason. Though occasionally they suffer a slow decline to closing, more often a firm’s shutdown is the result of an internal or external misfortune that compromises the integrity of […]