Business Loan Do’s and Don’ts

When you’re starting a business, it can seem like there are a million and one things to think about. Top of mind for most entrepreneurs? How to finance their business. A business loan can be a great source of capital, but it can be difficult to navigate the myriad of loan options available to business […]

5 Signs Your Bank Is a Bad Fit

As a small business owner, your bank has a big impact on your finances. You’ll want to choose a bank that offers competitive rates, minimal fees, and great products. Switching to a new bank can take time and effort, but it may be worth it if you can save money or receive a better product. […]

30 Questions Angel Investors Will Ask You

When you pitch a startup to angel investors, you want to get questions. If you don’t get questions then your pitch fell flat and nobody is interested. So plan on answering questions—and hope you have some to answer! Embrace interruptions Most of the time, especially in business plan competitions, judges are asked to listen quietly […]

How to Get Your Business Funded

Contrary to popular belief, business plans do not generate business financing. True, there are many kinds of financing options that require a business plan, but not all invests in a business plan. Investors need a business plan as a document that communicates ideas and information, but they invest in a company, in a product/service, and […]

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